Benefits of a Virtual Office

Benefits of a Virtual Office

6th November 2020

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In the current climate, various aspects of our life have gone virtual. Virtual meetings, virtual learning, virtual concerts, even virtual pub quizzes!

Well, let me introduce you to a Virtual Office.

If you aren't familiar with a virtual office, it essentailly gives you the prestige of a desirable business address for your mail and marketing material, allowing you to work remotely or from home if you aren't quite ready to commit to an office.

During the pandemic, the need for a virtual office has increased significantly, however for many, it has been part of their business life for years. It's a cost-effective way to give your business a professional image with the flexibility of working wherever you please.

At Airivo, we offer a business address, mail forwarding and virtual telephone services along with business support facilities and discounted meeting room rates.

Benefits of a Virtual Office include:

✓ Flexibility with scaling up or downsizing as there is no need for relocation
✓ Save time on your commute
✓ Save money until you are ready for office space
✓ Adds legitimacy to your business
✓ No long-term commitments 

A virtually ideal solution - choose to be 'based' at any of our professional business locations.

A Virtual Office is quick and easy to set up. Simply follow the below steps to set up a virtual office with us.

1. Complete the application
2. Visit the centre to vertifiy your documents 
3. Sign agreement and pay initial invoice

For a professional business image, why not register your business at one of our centres now. With access to discounted meeting room rates and the ability to upgrade to an office in the future, why not come and see for yourself?